Saturday, February 7, 2015

Romans 13:1-14

We're on the final stretch of chapters in Romans!

In Chapter 13, it is equally important to study the context of any given Scripture.  Like many other passages, Romans 13:1-7 has been misused and abused by others for less than godly purposes, even justifying turning a blind eye to injustice and acts of atrocity.  This is not at all what Paul is writing about here; instead this very topic is worthy of constant discussion.

Likewise, the remainder of the chapter speaks to our hearts, our attitudes, and our personal responsibility to be followers of Christ in an ever-darkening world.


What happens in a society when there are no properly accredited and generally recognized rulers?  What examples can you give?


  • Read Romans 13:1-14.  According to Paul in verses 1-5, what is to be the role of government?
  • Paul describes the "ruling power" as "God's servant" twice in these verses.  How can government be a servant of God?
  • Read Acts 16:35-40 and 23:1-3.  How can what Paul says in Romans 13:1-7 regarding government be reconciled with Paul having no hesitation in telling authorities they are acting illegally or unjustly?
  • Verses 8-14 show Paul using the idea of fulfilling the law through love. How can love fulfill all of the law?
  • In verse 13, Paul notes three pairs of activities Christians should avoid.  How are bad temper and jealousy just as destructive in a Christian community as drunkenness and sexual immorality?
  • Paul's solution to avoiding the activities of the night is to "put on the Lord Jesus" (v. 14).  How are we to do this?
  • Think about your Christian community, your church or a small group.  In what ways can your community live in a way that is more attractive to the surrounding culture?

From this point out, the book of Romans speaks primarily to this theme.  We are nearing the end of  this study, but the practical applications of it will forever impact how we live in this world as a community of believers, and as individual followers of Jesus Christ.

I'm thankful to be sharing the journey with you!

Love in Christ,
Pastor Joe

Disclaimer: These questions have been drawn from N.T. Wright’s study guide on the book of Romans, and are posted here to provide a general sample of the in-depth study each chapter entails.  Though the study guide is not required for participation in our weekly study, it is an excellent resource for advanced study of God’s word.

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